If I have the opportunity of writing to Porta, I would tell him:
Hello Porta,
I am an eleven years old boy from Galdakao. I am your fan number one.
I usually listen to your songs because I love the lyrics of the songs. My favourite songs are: EN BOCA DE TANTOS, HECHA LA LEY HECHA LA TRAMPA, LA BELLA Y LA BESTIA and TRAS EL CRISTAL.
I like EN BOCA DE TANTOS because I like how you describe yourself.
I like the second song because you did hard group work and you, Eddie MV and Isusko did it very well.
I like LA BELLA Y LA BESTIA and TRAS EL CRISTAL because the lyrics are beautiful.
If you read this letter, please come to Bilbao.
Bye bye crack.
These are my favourite songs: